Accordions B.Loffet

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Homepage --- Bernard Loffet --- B.Loffet's accordions --- Sound extracts --- FAQ --- My woodwind instruments repair shop --- Tablatures for diatonic accordion
Second hand accordions --- Links --- Tips and tricks --- My CD "Moetur !" --- My favourites... --- Sonotrad --- Pro microphone system for accordions --- Wind instruments rentals
Adress, map, opening time --- Daniel Lafontaine --- Francis Gloton --- Grand bal de l'Europe --- St Chartier --- Gama Cases --- Tavarn ar Roué Morvan --- La Soulère


Write to the Webmaster --- Translation by the author with the help of Cathy Raveneau.

Contrat Creative Commons
This page (text & pictures) made by Bernard Loffet - is under the terms of the Creative Commons licence Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.